Watch Penn State student startups compete for up to $30,000 on ‘The Investment’

Shark Tank-style WPSU-TV show will air on May 16 and 21
The Investment word script

宾州大学公园. — WPSU-TV will televise “The Investment,” the final round of the 创建欧博体育官网.你的竞争,晚上9点.m. on May 16 and again at 6 p.m. 5月21日. “投资”期间,” six Penn State student startups compete for up to $30,000 in funding that will help advance their companies.

This final round of the 公司.你的竞争 took place and winners were announced during Penn State Startup Week powered by PNC on April 9. Before presenting in front of a four-judge panel on “The Investment,” finalists received pitch coaching from experienced mentors from the 创造欧博体育官网 创业生态系统. The six finalists also received help from the Entrepreneur Assistance Law Clinic for LLC establishment and the Intellectual Property Law Clinic for patent and intellectual property assistance.

公司.你的竞争 finalists included:

  • 芭蕾舞童军, a subscription database for dancers to find auditions, 培训项目, and jobs based on their budget, 住房需求, 位置, style, 和可用日期. The startup founders are Robert Fulton, a 宾州州立大学世界校区 商科学生, 管理, 市场营销, and related support services, 尤金·柳, a fourth-year student studying cybersecurity analytics and operations at 大学公园.
  • CarToCamp, 设计, 生产, and sells a universally fitting sleeping-platform product and storage system for car camping. The startup founders are Nathan Bonslaver, a senior at 宾州州立银行, Robert Miller, a 2019 宾州州立银行 alumnus, and Kevin Gulick, a 2020 宾州州立银行 alumnus. All three founders are studying or studied mechanical engineering.
  • Ithaka, which aims to reinvent the future of the landscaping industry by using artificial intelligence to increase the accuracy of estimates and timelines and virtual reality to speed along the design process and increase customer satisfaction. The startup founders are Joseph Duncan, a fourth-year student studying industrial engineering at 大学公园, 锡安·塔伯.
  • MarRosa’s Old World Cuisine, which offers marinara sauce, 伏特加酱, and tomato basil sauce all made with imported Italian tomatoes. The startup founder is Marcella Marino, a senior studying corporate innovation and entrepreneurship and international business at 大学公园.
  • ShambaTek, which provides electricity to Kenyan farmers to enable them to increase their business potential. The startup founders are Monem Rizvi, a second-year student studying finance at 大学公园, 和Aidan Olszewski, a third-year student studying biomedical engineering at 大学公园.
  • 桌岩市场, an automated e-commerce platform designed for farmers, helping keep small farms in business by increasing their sales and profitability by leveraging resources in the digital world. The founders are Jake Grim, a senior studying business 管理 and 市场营销 at 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校, and Aidan Rauscher, a junior studying computer science at 大学公园.

To view more Penn State affiliated startups, visit the 启动导航器. To find more student entrepreneur resources, visit the 资源导航器.


公司.U began in 2015 as a pilot program funded by a grant from the 宾西法尼亚 Department of Community and Economic Development. It was originally a collaborative effort between the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, 巴克内尔大学, and Penn State to foster undergraduate entrepreneurship. 从2016年到2020年,公司.你的竞争 was managed by PennTAP and evolved to become a Penn State program offered in partnership with 创造欧博体育官网 and the LaunchBox & 创新网络. 自2022年春季以来,该公司.你的竞争 has been a featured competition as part of Penn State Startup Week powered by PNC.